Paradise White Bamboo Harmonysox


ANG: Playful socks HARMONYSOX with a charming bird of paradise image are designed in a local story of Bled. They are handmade from environmentally friendly bamboo. This anti-bacterial, hypo-allergenic and thermoregulated material offers day-long freshness and comfort. An image on the sole enables the energy of your body to flow and enhances well-being.

SLO: Igrive nogavice HARMONYSOX v lokalni zgodbi Bleda, s podobo očarljive rajske ptice so izdelane ročno, iz okolju prijaznega bambusa. Antibakterijska, antialergijska in termoregulacijska funkcija materiala poskrbi za celodnevno svežino in udobje. Znak na podplatu omogoča energijski pretok telesa in krepi dobro počutje.